Environmental Science: Society, Nature and Technology – eBook PDF
Environmental Science: Society, Nature and Technology, (PDF) provide the current aspects of environmental issues in view of chemical processes mainly with respect to two facets: social sciences along with chemistry and natural sciences. The prior facet explores the environmental economics and policies together with chemical engineering or green chemistry and the latter the several fields of environmental studies.
The ebook was conceptualized in the form of e-learning content, such as PowerPoint presentation, with clarifying notes to a new style of lectures on environmental science in a university at the undergraduate level. Every chapter of the ebook comprises a summary of the contents of the chapter; a list of particular terms and their explanation; topics that can be taken up for discussion among college students, principally freshmen in liberal arts, and for improving general knowledge; and problems and solutions using active learning methods.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Environmental Science: Society, Nature and Technology in PDF. No access codes are included.
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