Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing ( 3rd Edition) – eBook PDF
Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing, 3rd Edition, (PDF) emphasizes the practical applications of modern, robust methods that can greatly improve our chances of detecting true differences among groups and true associations among variables.
This revised ebook offers a thorough explanation of the foundation of robust methods, including the latest updates on R and S-Plus, robust ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), and regression. It leads advanced students and other professionals through the fundamental strategies used for developing practical solutions to problems. It provides a concise background on the foundations of modern methods, putting the new methods in a historical context. Author Rand Wilcox includes chapter exercises and several real-world examples that show how various methods perform in different situations.
“…Wilcox has greatly enhanced this ebook, which is now almost twice as big as the first edition. This would now look to be a good ebook for everyone to have in their library.” — Technometrics, 2005
“This textbook emphasizes applied aspects of major modern and robust statistical methods. Early chapters describe the aims and mathematical foundations of modern methods. The heart of the ebook describes methods for addressing general problems in ANOVA and regression, with a minimum of technical details, and judges their advantages using multiple criteria, giving advice on which ones to use for various situations. Chapter exercises are included. The ebook assumes a prior introductory statistics course and background on fundamentals of ANOVA, hypothesis testing, and regression. For the third edition, S-PLUS functions are no longer backed. Rather, R functions are supplied.” — Reference and Research Book News, Inc.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing, 3rd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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