Essentials of Organizational Behavior (14th Edition) – eBook PDF
Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 14th Edition, (PDF) teaches readers how to communicate and cooperate within organizations, through real-world scenarios. The text provides comprehensive coverage of important organizational behavior (OB) concepts, making each lesson interesting and easy to absorb. Readers can use the ebook’s concepts to implement what they’ve learned to their own education, upcoming career plans, and other organizational endeavors.
Presently used in over 500 colleges and universities worldwide Essentials of Organizational Behavior 14e serves as an admired resource so readers can learn and understand the most important concepts in OB. With the latest research and the integration of contemporary global issues, the 14th Edition emphasizes the most relevant OB concepts that reverberate with readers.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Essentials of Organizational Behavior 14e in PDF. No access codes are included.
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