Consumer Psychology: A Life Span Developmental Approach – eBook PDF
Consumer Psychology, (PDF) approaches consumer psychology from a unique perspective – it covers the entire lifespan, from birth to old age. Youth and childhood are not discussed as special, different, and remote areas from the rest of consumer research but are incorporated into our development as humans. Consumption is observed as a process by groups and individuals, continuing through to disposal or ownership and possession. The author discusses how people’s natural lifespan impacts their relationship to the things they own, how likings are developed from childhood, and how motivations for purchases change throughout their lives from childhood to old age. This ebook brings together the latest findings and theories on child and youth consumption, including children’s understanding of marketing and advertising, teen and youth identities, and their consumption tastes. Moving through Erikson’s life stages, chapters continue to adulthood, the mid-life ‘crisis’ and possessions, and ownership in older consumers. This is an intense interdisciplinary work that will be of interest to scholars across the fields of psychology, business, and marketing, along with the more general consumer.
NOTE: The product only includes Consumer Psychology: A Life Span Developmental Approach in PDF. No access codes are included.
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